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formula to let the grass grow


Performance and Installation




“Formula to Let the Grass Grow” is a 48 hours long experiment that took place on June 19th to June 21st, 2020, as part of the art festival 48 Stunden Neukölln, with the theme: “Boom”.


We thought of “Boom” as the sound of an explosion, or a catastrophe that turned the Earth into a desert. We have been looking to find the formula to help nature grow again, through a ritual involving sound and movement as a form of contemplation.


The title “Formula to Let the Grass Grow” is thought of as a paradox: in German, this sentence has the meaning of letting something heal, while in English the sentence “to let the grass grow under your feet” means to let time pass, doing nothing. Nature grows again, indeed, without the need of doing something.

© SpiegelimSpiegel 2020

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